
Making it here: a sovereign success story

A critical platform technology to synthesise drug compounds at scale – and onshore production in Australia – has been successfully demonstrated in a collaboration between Melbourne company Boron Molecular, and innovation and technology development specialists, DMTC Limited, with support from Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO. (more…)

Posted by Harry Baxter on July 25th, 2024 Tagged: , , , , ,

SABRE Alliance launched to align and leverage Australia’s biotech strengths

Defence launched the ‘Safeguarding Australia through Biotechnology Response and Engagement’ (SABRE) Alliance in July 2022. SABRE seeks to bring together biotech capabilities from Australia’s universities, research institutes, SMEs and manufacturers to work together to meet the needs of the Defence and national security sectors. (more…)

Posted by Harry Baxter on May 8th, 2023 Tagged: , , , , ,