
DMTC teams up for National Manufacturing Week

DMTC has teamed up with a number of Australian Government and innovation partner organisations to provide advice and information to manufacturers looking to grow and transform their business at National Manufacturing Week and Austech 2017.

National Manufacturing Week is the largest gathering of Australian manufacturers under one roof and Austech is the only show specifically targeted at the metalworking, machine tool and ancillary market in Australia.

Experts from the following Government agencies and innovation partners will come together to form an Advanced Manufacturing team:

Tailored information and assistance will be available on the following topics:

  • Reducing the time, cost and risk of exporting for export-ready companies; and export grants
  • Collaborative industry-led research products and funding to deliver innovative manufacturing outcomes
  • Finance for small and medium-sized enterprises exporting or expanding offshore
  • Collaboration on projects with co-funding opportunities for commercial outcomes
  • Defence capability and related manufacturing opportunities for Australian small and medium-sized enterprises and
  • Access to advice and support needed to improve competitiveness, productivity and maximise growth potential.

DMTC participated in a plenary session on the opportunities for SMEs to join Defence supply chains on Thursday, 11 May.

More than 10,000 delegates are expected to attend National Manufacturing Week and Austech from a wide variety of sectors.

The Advancing Australian Manufacturing team will be at booth number MS02 throughout the week.

Posted by DMTC on May 6th, 2017 Tagged: , , , ,

Media Release: DCNS signs on with DMTC

DCNS has formally signed on as a supporting industry participant with Australia’s Defence Materials Technology Centre (DMTC).

The agreement will see DMTC and DCNS collaborate on developing technical expertise and building industrial capacity within Australian maritime sector supply chains, with a focus in the first instance on naval shipbuilding and repair.

Read more: DMTC – DCNS media release

Note: In June 2017 DCNS changed its name to Naval Group.

Posted by DMTC on April 24th, 2017 Tagged: , , ,

Anteo announces successful Milestone 1 completion


DMTC industry partner Anteo Diagnostics Ltd has notified the ASX of the successful completion of the first milestone in their DMTC project, with initial studies demonstrating high-detection sensitivity.

Anteo has partnered with Planet Innovation, Deakin University and DMTC to further the technology readiness of Planet Innovation’s (Nplex) low cost, high sensitivity point of care diagnostic system using breakthrough reader technology.

Anteo’s contribution and objectives in Milestone 1 were to successfully functionalise nanoparticles requiring integration with Planet Innovation’s reader. Anteo has successfully established, optimised and verified a model lateral flow system for the nominated target assay using Mix&Go.

Work on the next milestone is already underway and is scheduled to be completed by next quarter.

The DMTC Medical Countermeasures (MCM) program recognises the increasingly important need to create, in Australia, an integrated multidisciplinary network focused on MCM product development.

Anteo’s statement is available here.

Posted by Harry Baxter on April 21st, 2017 Tagged: , ,

DMTC Annual Conference

DMTC’s Annual Conference will be held on 28 and 29 March 2017, in Canberra. our Annual Conference is an important opportunity to learn about the latest advances in technologies and priority industry capabilities within the DMTC community. The DMTC Gala Dinner will again be held as part of the Conference, including the presentation of the esteemed Awards of Excellence.

Further information will be made available in due course. DMTC looks forward to seeing you there.

Posted by DMTC on January 9th, 2017 Tagged: , , ,