DMTC Limited has engaged Australian indigenous-owned small business Willyama to undertake a comprehensive cyber security audit of systems to be deployed through DMTC’s Industry Capability Development Program.
Willyama’s team of security analysts will review DMTC’s Smart Enough Factory solution which seeks to realise benefits of Industry 4.0 adoption for Australian small businesses, and to equip those companies to contribute to defence sector supply chains. (more…)
DMTC is working with Australia’s dedicated submarine sustainment organisation, ASC, and the CSIRO to pioneer the use of additive manufacturing for the repair of Collins Class submarines. (more…)
DMTC has released a new Company Booklet publication.
The document provides a snapshot of DMTC’s activities, achievements, and a guide to engaging with our team, with a focus on business development and outreach activities.
The booklet is available for PDF download here or from the Issuu online viewing platform here.