
2018 Student Conference Program Released

The program and abstracts for the 2018 DMTC Student Conference to be held on 9 October in Melbourne are now available.

The event is held in conjunction with our partners Defence Science Institute (DSI) and the Research Training Centre for Naval Design  & Manufacturing (RTCNDM) at the Australian Maritime College.

The conference is designed to give PhD and Masters candidates the opportunity to professionally present their work to peers. It is a great opportunity to network with other PhD candidates in the Defence sector. Question and answer sessions follow each presentation and we encourage industry participants and supervisors to attend and ask questions of the students.

Documents for download:

Posted by Harry Baxter on October 1st, 2018 Tagged: , , , ,

Welding workshop activity underway in Rockhampton

weld plate & test result

The DMTC Welding Capability for Defence Platforms Workshop was conducted on 25 September in Rockhampton.

Attendees at the DMTC workshop were particularly interested in the scale of potential opportunities to bring their significant experience and welding skills from the resources sector to bear in Defence projects.

Supported by Defence Industries Queensland, this first workshop covered a number of topics including the latest technology in automated welding and welding applications in Defence platforms.

Attendees at the workshop included key regional SMEs including Berg Engineering, Adnought, Monadel, Craig Harney and Moloney & Sons Engineering.

The activity is one of the workshops made possible by the Queensland Government’s commitment of funding for DMTC’s Industry Capability Development Program.


Posted by Harry Baxter on September 30th, 2018 Tagged: , , , , , ,

Nanofibre technology shields against toxic chemicals


Exciting prospects lie ahead for the nanostructured fabric project, funded through the Defence Innovation Hub. While previous protective systems have relied on multiple layers of fabric, the DMTC team’s approach demonstrates that individual protective elements can be combined into a single integrated fabric system with enhanced utility, fit and comfort. (more…)

Posted by Harry Baxter on June 8th, 2018 Tagged: , , , ,