A team of researchers from Swinburne are making a vital contribution to a DMTC-managed collaboration involving a national network of research and industry partners.
The DMTC project is focused on developing a detailed understanding of the functional performance of composite materials. The specific theme of work for the Swinburne researchers, led by Dr Nishar Hameed, is novel, hybrid graphene-based multi-scale composites that can deliver advances in sensing, electromagnetic and thermal signature control for applications in the defence domain. (more…)
A $3.9 million contract extension will help put cutting-edge capabilities into the hands of Australia’s service men and women, and build industrial supply chain capacity.
Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said the contract extension would help build a vibrant and competitive innovation sector within Australia’s defence industry. (more…)
A cyber security contract with Willyama Services is the first major DMTC undertaking with the Indigenous sector since a Memorandum of Understanding between DMTC and the Indigenous Defence & Infrastructure Consortium (IDIC) was signed at DMTC’s Annual Conference in March.
“At our Conference, I made the point that collaboration isn’t just about signing MoUs or keeping lists of organisations you’ve spoken to,” DMTC Chief Executive Mark Hodge said. (more…)
DMTC Limited has engaged Australian indigenous-owned small business Willyama to undertake a comprehensive cyber security audit of systems to be deployed through DMTC’s Industry Capability Development Program.
Willyama’s team of security analysts will review DMTC’s Smart Enough Factory solution which seeks to realise benefits of Industry 4.0 adoption for Australian small businesses, and to equip those companies to contribute to defence sector supply chains. (more…)