
Digital Uplift for NSW Business

Recently, DMTC Limited completed an innovative six-month pilot project supported by the NSW Government to improve business’ technology uptake and digital literacy for companies across the Illawarra and Shoalhaven regions.

The NSW Government provided financial sponsorship to support local companies to participate in the Smart Enough Factory pilot project delivered by DMTC Limited.


Posted by Patrick Crosling on July 15th, 2022 Tagged: , ,

Strategic Hypersonic Materials Partnership Announced

DMTC Ltd welcomes the announcement of a new collaborative project between the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), Quickstep Holdings Ltd, and the University of NSW (UNSW) to identify, analyse and test high temperature materials as a first step towards the development of future hypersonic aerostructures.


Posted by Patrick Crosling on July 4th, 2022 Tagged: , , ,

Meaningful internships boost Australia’s defence industry and digital future

Through our Industry Capability Development platform, DMTC proudly facilitates a number of meaningful internship opportunities. Recently, DMTC’s Smart Enough™ Factory (SEF) program has hosted several undergraduate interns, with a view to expanding this number to approximately 34 interns in Victoria alone by 2026. Even more interns are set to join the program as SEF expands from Victoria to New South Wales and other jurisdictions. One recent intern, Dylan Jarvis (an undergraduate student at Swinburne University of Technology), was kind enough to speak to DMTC about his internship experience and how DMTC’s support has impacted his career trajectory. (more…)

Posted by Patrick Crosling on April 14th, 2022 Tagged: , , , , ,

Celebrating Collaborative Research

Where are they now: Dr Scarlet Kong and Dr. Alain Moriana

Through its Education portfolio, DMTC is committed to boosting the pipeline of young, innovative Australians who can progress from academia to applied research and on to employment in defence industry or related fields of industry and ongoing research. In a series of interviews with several exemplary former participants in our Education program, we explore how support from DMTC has impacted their career trajectory.


Posted by Patrick Crosling on February 22nd, 2022 Tagged: , , , , ,