
Her Majesty the Queen

The DMTC Board and Management Team expresses its deepest condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Queen Elizabeth the Second.

For 70 years, Queen Elizabeth the Second reigned as Australia’s Head of State, the longest reign of any monarch in British history. (more…)

Posted by Harry Baxter on September 9th, 2022

EOIs sought for collaborative projects in medical countermeasures

With support from Defence’s Next Generation Technologies Fund, the Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Program led by Health Security Systems Australia (HSSA) is currently seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for collaborative project proposals focused on priority themes including: anti-infective therapeutics, including against antimicrobial resistance; vaccine products or platform technologies for infectious disease threats; and medical countermeasures against chemical threats. (more…)

Posted by Harry Baxter on June 14th, 2022 Tagged: , , , ,

Enhanced steel solution commended at major international maritime tradeshow

A DMTC-led collaboration to enhance shipbuilding steel and build Australia’s sovereign industrial capability has been awarded with a High Commendation at the INDO PACIFIC 2022 International Maritime Exposition in Sydney.

The project brought together DMTC, Bluescope Steel, University of Wollongong researchers and Defence scientists. (more…)

Posted by Harry Baxter on May 10th, 2022 Tagged: , , , , ,