
Double honour for DMTC project

A DMTC Limited collaboration has been honoured twice, winning both the National Defence Innovation Award and the Innovation Award for Platforms and Propulsion at the prestigious Pacific 2019 Innovation Awards in Sydney. The team includes industry partners MacTaggart Scott Australia and United Surface Technologies along with researchers from Swinburne University of Technology and Defence Science and Technology (DST). (more…)

Posted by Harry Baxter on October 8th, 2019 Tagged: , , , , , ,

Expertise in collaboration recognised

accreditiation logo

DMTC Limited has achieved what we believe is an Australian first, being awarded accreditation against the International Standard for Collaborative Business Relationship Management Systems (known as ISO 44001).

The ISO 44001 Standard can apply to collaborative business relationship management systems in  organisations of any size. The accreditation process involves detailed scrutiny of management systems but also of organisational culture and relationship management practices. (more…)

Posted by Harry Baxter on August 5th, 2019 Tagged: , , ,