Health Security Systems

The Health Security Systems Australia Division, established in July 2021, is building sovereign industrial and research capabilities for Australia. The mission space for the division features six sectors aligned to national health security priorities, as illustrated below.


The HSSA team leads collaborative programs and projects within these six sectors to develop products and decision-support systems for the protection of military and civilian personnel against Chemical, Biological and Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats, emerging infectious diseases and pandemics.

This is achieved by:

  • Harnessing expertise from diverse research and industry partner groups through the management of collaborative teams, to steward applied research and technology development from promising concepts to maturity; and
  • Monitoring – and providing expert advice and support to Governments and partners on – Australia’s national health security capacity and capability, and enhancing Australia’s contributions to global partnerships combating AMR and other priority infectious diseases.

DMTC is also involved in the governance and delivery of the alliance known as SABRE – or Safeguarding Australia through Biotechnology Response and Engagement – that was announced by Defence in July 2022.

As a division of DMTC, these key elements of the division’s mission and approach are underpinned by DMTC’s credibility in the defence and national security sectors, and its internationally-accredited systems for quality management, program management and collaboration.